Weight Loss – Muhdo

Take Control Of your Body

Take control of your weight today.
Your DNA holds the secret.

how can Muhdo help me Lose Weight?

A Muhdo DNA profile will help you identify the key lifestyle points you need to change, allowing you to understand what you personally need to lose weight. Your DNA profile will allow you to discover and hyper-personalise:

Meal & Nutrition

How Many Calories
Your Body Needs

A Balanced

Vitamin & Mineral



mobile app screen

How Can a DNA Test
Help Me Lose Weight?

Adjusting your diet to suit your specific DNA will help you to lose weight more easily, as certain diets work for people with a particular genetic makeup. The Muhdo DNA test will help you to further understand your potential struggles with weight loss.

Potential vitamin and mineral deficiencies can have a knock on effect on weight gain. A Muhdo DNA test will allow you to highlight these potential genetic health risk factors.
How Can Epigenetics Help Me Lose Weight?
Epigenetics enables you to track what you’re doing and monitor where you are with your weight loss goal. Track your internal health by measuring your gene expression changes over time.

Muhdo’s aim is to guide you with hyper-personalised information allowing you to change habits and create positive outcomes.

Help form life changing habits!

Learn about you. Learn about how you react to what you eat and your environment. Without good data we cannot create a baseline.

Everyone is different. There is no catch-all plan. The data and knowledge we have gained must be tuned into a bespoke and focussed set of changes to your life.

The greatest plan in the world will fail if it cannot be maintained. Be realistic and be honest. Aim high but be ready to adjust your sights.

How can i lose weight fast and easy?

There is no way this can be done safely, effectively and efficiently. Yes, you can lose weight quickly by manipulation of diet and training, but this is generally a slow process.

A step by step action plan should be adhered to and maintained, to remove the temptation of a quick fix. Quick fixes don’t work in the long run and put you further away from your goal.

Further Information

One thing we like to say at Muhdo is – “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”

Epigenetics gives you the ability to track how your day to day life is affecting your health, and thus providing you with a greater amount of knowledge to act upon.Another useful saying is “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”, which is paramount for any health program to succeed.

Epigenetics will provide you with more structure for your day to day life, as once you understand your genetic predispositions and frailties and can take your health back in your own hands.
Understanding your body will help you lose weight, it’s a simple process that takes time to achieve efficiently and effectively. The key is to change lifestyle habits via a step by step process, which is maintainable, otherwise you are in a constant battle of your weight of fluctuating up and down. Aim to set an action plan to follow one point at a time until you manage to make it a habit. Once this has occurred and you see the positive effect it has had you are more likely to move on to the next point. If you try to change too many points all at once there are 2 issues.

1. It is not maintainable and you will only do it for a short period of time, therefore it is not changing habits

2. You are not sure what worked and what didn’t. It boils down to a psychological aspect – can you change your mind set? If you want to achieve something enough you will find the motivation and determination to achieve it.

As humans we put barriers in front of everything we do. Remove these barriers, be positive and make small steps in the right direction and eventually you will achieve your goal.
In many ways “You are what you eat”, but when you scratch the surface this statement is often wrong. Firstly, we need to distinguish between “Weight Loss” and “Fat Loss”. We want to lose fat, not weight. Secondly, when you say you want to lose fat, what does that mean exactly?

Does that mean you want to lose fat cells? Or do you want your fats cells to be smaller? Both are vastly different questions…

We also need to be mindful of calories, which have a role to play, but where are your calories coming from? Protein, carbohydrates or fats? Then lastly there will be an eclectic mix of certain genetic components as well as an abundance of hormonal, metabolic and inflammatory reactions to consider.

So, whichever food you choose to eat (not only judged by calorie content) to the type and frequency of exercise, or the prescription drugs you are taking will be affecting those same hormones. The secret to losing fat is manipulating your hormones in your favour.
Following on from the weight loss diet information above, we need to delve deeper and look at how your foods will be affecting your hormones, which will be the contributing factor to losing body fat.

Now, probably the most important of these hormones will be insulin and cortisol. Then you have to ask the question “What’s the best way to lower your insulin levels”? Well not eating works fairly well, but this isn’t really feasible or sustainable, so the next best thing is to lower is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the most insulinogenic of foods, with protein also having an effect but to a much lesser degree.

You will also have to take into consideration cortisol levels. It’s extremely difficult to get rid of body fat when you have raised cortisol levels. Cortisol is an extremely anabolic hormone to fat, and a very catabolic hormone to muscle. So, pretty much the complete opposite to what we want. After women have gone through the menopause they can suffer tremendously with putting on extra fat. This is due to testosterone, which has the opposite effect to cortisol, taking a plunge, as well as other key hormones.

Cortisol is responsible for a whole variety of metabolic functions such as helping to regulate your thyroid hormone. The thyroid regulates nearly every major metabolic function in your body, and as such, a poor functioning thyroid can have a detrimental effect on nearly every area of your health. For instance, weight gain, reduced metabolic rate, fatigue, feeling depressed or moody, dry hair and skin and much more.

Cortisol is our friend for most of the time; it only becomes an issue if it’s produced at the wrong time and in the wrong amount. So yes, including certain foods will affect your ability to lose body fat such as increasing protein and fibre. But once you have eaten a specific food then your hormones will completely take over.
There are not necessarily specific exercises you would do to lose weight. As weight loss is based more around nutrition – calories in vs calories out. The problem most people find is they do not eat the correct amount of calories a day for their bodies at a basic level. So, when they want to lose weight they are not as effective and efficient as they could be. This is due to their bodies storing the calories as it has not had the correct amount to function. This then has an adverse effect on hormones in the body, which make it even more difficult to achieve the goal of weight loss.

Also, people tend to also start to over exercise, which has 2 negative impacts:

1. Not allowing time for their bodies to recover can then result in injury and illness.

2. The training is not maintainable, therefore they stop / reduce training, which leads to weight regain and a loss of the positive outcomes they achieved.

People need to understand that they may need to go up to come back down, basically resetting the body and hormones to the correct level first. This will mean achieving better long-term results. There are different methods of training that you can use to encourage greater weight loss, for example HIIT training. High Intensity Interval training is a good method as it will give you best results in a short period of time. A lot of people struggle with time so this is something easy to fit in. Also, you do not require any equipment to perform this method of training and anyone can do it – as it’s a hard workout.

The key area to look at is energy systems development as this can change the timings, volume and intensity of training based on your goal. Also core and ab exercises do not necessarily give you a flat stomach, as you need to get rid of the stubborn layer of fat that sits over them. So, key to burning that fat layer is nutrition and exercise to burn calories – the fat layer you want to burn is normally the area that takes the longest to go! Core exercises are vitally important as you need your core to support all movements for everyday life and reduce the chance of injury.

There are 3 types of fat:

    • Subcutaneous fat is the looser fat that sits just under the skin.
    • Intramuscular fat is found within skeletal muscles.
    • Visceral fat is what is know as “belly fat” and it accumulates between your abdominal organs. It interferes with hormones that regulate appetite, weight, mood and brain function. Increased belly fat is likely to increase your chances of getting type 2 diabetes or heart disease.


Unfortunately there is no one best way to lose belly fat. Everyone is unique, as their DNA suggests, but there are a few simple actions that you can do that will reduce that visceral fat. It’s not just a case of counting your calories, you should be paying attention to exactly what you’re eating and drinking.

  • Don’t eat foods high in trans fats. These fats make it their business to increase your belly size. So stay away from the usual cakes, biscuits, pies, fast food, fried food, etc.
  • Don’t drink too much alcohol. The alcohol you consume turns in to acetate which your body cannot store making it your primary energy source. All the proteins, fats and carbs that you consume on top of the alcohol turns in to fat.
  • Don’t neglect your gut health. The bacteria in your gut help to control your mood, regulate your immune system, digest food and extract nutrients along with a host of other useful things.
  • Don’t get too stressed. Cortisol, the stress hormone can trigger the release of insulin when levels are too high. After shutting down your digestive system to deal with the stressful situation the increased insulin means your blood sugar levels are low. To replace those lost calories which your body thinks it has burnt you head for the trans fats.

Now those are out of the way, let’s look at the dos…

  • Do consume a high fibre diet, preferably soluble fibre foods such as linseed, brussels sprouts, avocados and berries.
  • Do eat a high protein diet which will release the fullness hormone PYY, which decreases appetite. Foods such as meat, fish, eggs and beans are a good source.
  • Do aerobic exercise as this is an excellent way to burn calories and improve health. The frequency and duration are often more important than intensity. However, this is personal and will depend on your genetic makeup.
  • Do resistance training or strength training. A combination of resistance training and aerobic exercise leads to the best results in burning visceral fat.
  • Do get lots of sleep, as studies have found that those who don’t get enough sleep tend to gain fat more easily.
There is no way this can be done safely, effectively and efficiently. Yes, you can lose weight quickly by manipulation of diet and training, but this is generally a slow process.

A step by step action plan should be adhered to and maintained, to remove the temptation of a quick fix. Quick fixes don’t work in the long run and put you further away from your goal.

Exercising without addressing your diet is the first major mistake that people will make when trying to lose some body fat. Getting your diet right will always take precedent over exercising when it comes to burning fat. Coupled with manipulating your hormones in your favour.

So firstly, we need to look to reduce the foods which increase insulin levels such as, breads, cereals, flour and sugars. Then look to reduce inflammatory foods, which in many instances are the same foods as above and will have a negative effect on many extremely important metabolic reactions.

Putting diet to one side for a second, we also need to look at reducing and stabilising cortisol/stress levels and improving your sleep (easier said than done). For instance, sleep deprivation has an immediate effect with an increase in cortisol levels and a decrease in HGH (Human Growth Hormone) production. So, if you’re staying up late your cortisol levels will likely be through the roof, and you will literally be breaking down your muscle tissue for energy at an increased rate.

Let’s say we take 2 people following exactly the same 1500 calorie diet with a completely different hormonal response. What do you think will happen? Yes, you guessed it, they will have a completely different reaction to those same food groups and calories. And if either of them has higher stress levels, what do you think will happen? Their cortisol will be constantly elevated, thus breaking down beneficial muscle, whilst increasing fat storage. As soon as we’ve eaten a particular food our hormones are in complete control of where those foods are actually going.

We also need to remember a calorie needs to be judged upon the context that it comes from. Let’s take a quick look at protein for a second. The basic structural unit of protein includes amino acids, with digestion of protein resulting in its breakdown and release of individual amino acids. Classically there are nine essential amino acids that are required in the daily diet, as the body cannot make them.

Amino acids are required for the synthesis of tissue protein and other metabolic functions:

  • Proteins Function
  • Proteins are used to repair worn out tissue.
  • Proteins are used to build new tissue.
  • Protein can be used as an energy source.
  • Proteins make up a large percentage of essential body fluids.
  • Proteins aid in the blood transport of key nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fats etc.

So, in that brief explanation you can quickly see how important protein is, and the vast array of roles that it is utilised for. Simply put, a calorie of protein is far superior in term of “specific physiological requirements” compared to a carbohydrate.

So, a “Calorie” is not just a “Calorie”.

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