Initiatives – Muhdo

What is the APPG for Longevity?

The All Party Parliamentary Group (PPG) for Longevity began in March 2019 with an aim to address scientific, technological, and socio-economic surrounding the UK’s ageing demographic. Living younger, healthier lives is at the core of what the group is looking to achieve.


The APPG plans to turn the ageing concern into one of the most promising opportunities of the 21st centuries and secure Britain’s place as a global leader in longevity.


The National Strategy

The APPG, with select partners and experts, is aiming to create a National Strategy in order to meet the goal set by Government of five more years of years of healthy life expectancy by 2035 (HLE +5) while also closing the large social gap in healthy life expectancy.


Muhdo & The APPG

Muhdo is proud to sponsor and support The APPG for Longevity and their important work in helping to promote living younger, healthier lives.


Living the healthiest life possible is at the core of what Muhdo is striving for through readily available and affordable genetic health analysis.

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