Randox Order – Muhdo

At Home Blood Tests

Muhdo has partnered with Randox Health to offer our customers a whole range of at-home health blood tests*

At Home Blood Tests

Muhdo has partnered with Randox Health to offer our customers a whole range of at-home health blood tests*


Understanding both your good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol levels is extremely important for your heart and cardiovascular health. Find out what your levels are with a convenient at home blood test.


Vitamin D has many positive health benefits, such as regulating the Immune system, bone health as well as affecting your mood and mental health. Vitamin D deficiency affects over 50% of people. Find out what your levels are with a convenient at home blood test.


Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is a hormone produced in the ovaries and is a useful biomarker to indicate ovarian reserve.


Helps to identify the antibodies after a previous Covid infection.


Vitamin B-12 is essential to your body and has a lot of extremely important roles, from improving energy levels and brain health to blood cell production. Find out what your levels are with a convenient home blood test.


Your hormones will control a whole variety of health areas from your mood, muscle mass, libido and energy level/wellbeing. Find out what your levels are with a convenient home blood test.


The thyroid regulates nearly every major metabolic function within your body. Poor thyroid function includes weight gain, reduced metabolic rate, fatigue, depression or mood swings, dry hair/skin and many more. Find out what your levels are with a convenient home blood test.


Your hormones will control a whole variety of health areas from your mood, weight, energy levels and fertility. Find out what your hormone levels are from our home blood test.

UK Delivery Only

Your hormones will control a whole variety of health areas from your mood, weight, energy levels and fertility. Find out what your hormone levels are from our home blood test.

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Understanding both your good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol levels is extremely important for your heart and cardiovascular health. Find out what your levels are with a convenient at home blood test. Find Out More

Vitamin D has many positive health benefits, such as regulating the Immune system, bone health as well as affecting your mood and mental health. Vitamin D deficiency affects over 50% of people. Find out what your levels are with a convenient at home blood test.

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Helps to identify the antibodies after a previous Covid infection.

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The thyroid regulates nearly every major metabolic function within your body. Poor thyroid function includes weight gain, reduced metabolic rate, fatigue, depression or mood swings, dry hair/skin and many more. Find out what your levels are with a convenient home blood test.

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Vitamin B-12 is essential to your body and has a lot of extremely important roles, from improving energy levels and brain health to blood cell production. Find out what your levels are with a convenient home blood test.

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Your hormones will control a whole variety of health areas from your mood, muscle mass, libido and energy level/wellbeing. Find out what your levels are with a convenient home blood test. Find Out More

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is a hormone produced in the ovaries and is a useful biomarker to indicate ovarian reserve.

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*Randox Health is an international health and toxicology company in the in vitro diagnostics industry headquartered in the UK. The company develops diagnostic solutions for hospitals, clinical, research and molecular labs, food testing, forensic toxicology, veterinary labs and life sciences.