My PT Hub Trainers – Muhdo
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Take your DNA further with more insights and more real life recommendations.

Genetically Enhance Your Training

A Muhdo DNA profile will help support the training you provide your clients. Understand if and how your clients are being held back by their genetic health and implement the findings in to their training schedule.

Unlock the secrets of their inner health and allow your clients to benefit from insights across 5 core health areas, 12 health insights and 300+ DNA outcomes.


Caffeine Sensitivity
Genetic Bone Mineral Density
Genetic Obesity Risk
Genetic Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Genetic Hypertension Risk
Genetic Infection Risk (Cold/Flu)


Saturated Fats
Unsaturated Fats
Sugar Response
Sweet Taste
Bitter Taste
Likelihood to Snack
Metabolic Rate
Fat Distribution
Yoyo Diet Response
Lactose Intolerance Risk


Muscle Power
Muscle Stamina
O2 Usage / VO2 Max
Anaerobic Threshold
Muscle Mass
Lean Body Mass
Power to Weight
Exercise Effect on Weight


Vitamin D
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12

Supplement Response

BCAAs Benefit
Choline Benefit
Glutamine Benefit
Creatine Benefit
Beta-Alanine Benefit
Arginine Benefit

PLUS 11 Key Health Insights

Will It Help My Clients?

Yes. If your clients allow, you can access their results and you can devise the best training solutions possible for them.


Being able to discover their genetic health predispositions, risks and gifts can play a huge role in helping you to get your clients to achieve sustainable gains.

Can I Make Money From It?

By understanding your clients better you can grow your client base through offering more personalised packages and improved word of mouth.


Increase your own productivity while reducing client illness. You’ll also have the opportunity to grow other income streams such as vitamins and supplements that complement your client’s DNA results.


Make yourself stand out!

How Does It Work?

  1. Buy a DNA Health kit.
  2. Download the app.
  3. Receive the kit.
  4. Scan the kit code into the app.
  5. Saliva in the provided tube.
  6. Post it back to us ( prepaid of course ). 
  7. Sit tight, in a few weeks you’ll be advising your clients like nobody else!

Excellent Rated On Trustpilot


Muhdo’s DNA profiling looks at a particular subset of 1,000 genetic areas specific to human health. From this analysis of your saliva sample we can provide over 300 genetic health reports. Your genetic makeup does not change over time. Epigenetics essentially controls the behaviour of your genes. Your genetic makeup is your blueprint at birth, your epigenetics can be changed through your lifestyle. Epigenetic tracking allows you to have never before insights into your Biological Age, as well as your Hearing, Eye, Memory and Inflammation Health. We’ll also give you expert insights in how to improve these results so when you provide more samples you can actively see improvements over time!
3-4 weeks. Muhdo has the most advanced and comprehensive analysis of any genetics health and fitness company worldwide, so it takes a while. We are working hard to get our turnaround time down so check when ordering. Epigenetics tests take a little longer due to the complex science involved.

In the event that your sample is lost in transit, we are happy to send you a replacement kit free of charge. Should you suspect, that your sample was never received by us, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. This might be the case, if you have not heard anything from us within 2 weeks after sending your sample back to us. In case of more than 2 lost samples, we might ask you for an alternative address to send the replacement kit to.

All our customers’ genetic data is triple locked. First our customers are anonymous to us in the database. Each customer is given a unique ID number, it is only with this code that the customer can unlock their data, and have it displayed on their private health dashboard. Secondly all customer data is encrypted throughout the data journey. So, if anyone were to capture our data it would be both anonymous and encrypted. Thirdly we store customer genetic data on our secure AWS servers. Finally, we are compliant with the highly stringent European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
Muhdo’s DNA profile looks at 1,000 genetic areas (SNPs) and provides over 300 reports based on your genetic makeup. The most conclusive DNA profile available today and more than any other DNA profiling offer. Our product is driven by global leaders in the fields of genetics, nutrition and physiology. This expert input is shown through your DNA results and in the Muhdo mobile app. Your mobile app includes FREE a DNA aligned workout planner and specific nutrition guide with meal planners. Muhdo is also the first company in the world to bring Epigenetic tracking to the consumer, making it possible for everyone to track their internal health at a genetic level. With epigenetic tracking you will learn your biological age and how to improve it – keeping you young on the inside. You’ll also receive a FREE DNA health profile.