Epigenetics controls how your genes behave. You are born with your genetic makeup, but you can affect your epigenetics through your lifestyle.
Muhdo’s DNA profiling looks at a particular subset of 1,000 genetic areas specific to human health that affect our fitness characteristics, injury risks, micro and macro nutrient metabolism, mental health, sleep patterns and much more. From this analysis of your saliva sample Muhdo can provide over 300 genetic health reports. Your genetic makeup does not change over time.
Epigenetics essentially controls the behaviour of your genes. Your genetic makeup is your blueprint at birth, your epigenetics can be changed through your lifestyle. Epigenetic tracking allows you to have never before insights into your Biological Age, as well as your Hearing, Eye, Memory and Inflammation Health.Muhdo will also give you expert insights in how to improve these results so when you provide more samples you can actively see improvements over time!